The NewIS Strategic Plan

NewIS 戦略的計画

Since the school's inception in August 2001, strategic plans have played a significant role in assuring that  New International School (NewIS) develops in line with its mission. The strategic plans themselves are updated and changed over time to reflect the current context of the school, including changes both within and outwith the school, to reflect the hopes, plans, and challenges that face the school at any particular time. In this way, the NewIS strategic plans maximise efficiency with respect to the needs of the school community, without being so rigid as to lose their relevance over time.

Please find below the latest strategic plan, ratified by the Executive and Advisory Council on 3 December 2020, together with the current status of its provisions.

NewIS is in the process of reviewing the School Mission and the Handbook for Instructional Staff.

The learning and teaching aspects of the strategic plan focus on one general goal for the whole school and a second more specific area for post-secondary placement.

To ensure that the educational program at NewIS is as current as possible, the curriculum is developed in an ongoing cycle, with review and implementation committees in any particular curriculum area.

NewIS maintains a commitment to ensure that students transition to their next phase of life beyond NewIS, be it through study or employment, domestically or abroad, and as such the secondary placement services are continually enhanced and developed.

For each of the four required subjects in the secondary school (Literacy, Maths, Social Studies, and Sciences) it is felt that the most effective way to provide a rich learning environment is to have four subject teachers in each of the required subject areas, two for English and two for Japanese. This enhances the program by increasing the number and breadth of the experiences available to students.

On a broader scale looking to the whole school and not just secondary school, it has always been, and remains, a requirement that teachers and staff at NewIS maintain a commitment to professional development. Teachers and staff continue to access both the opportunities available on-site at NewIS and also events held off-site or online and hosted by third party providers.

As a non-profit organisation, NewIS makes every effort to balance the financial needs of the school program with keeping costs down for the families in our community. 

To this end, NewIS is committed to keeping tuition fees fixed at the same point as at the point of entry  for families from Grades 1-12.

NewIS has developed and maintained an online presence, through social media such as Facebook. However, monthly orientations conducted in English and in Japanese have been and remain the primary vehicle for spreading information about the school to prospective families. They are online at present which in fact expands their reach as attendees may be anywhere in the world to attend them.

Internally, we are about to revive a seminar program for the benefit of current families and external participants as well.

NewIS is always striving to improve its facilities and resources.

Over the last two years, some major developments have been achieved, including the installation of the culinary and textile arts facility on the second floor of the Annex Building, and upgrades to the secondary school Sciences facilities. Together with the increased number of faculty in the secondary school, the program is now capable of sustaining up to 140 students. That will be the limit at our current site. Further expansion would need to be through the establishment of a "branch school" at another location.

In addition, NewIS continues to invest in the latest technologies to ensure the curriculum continues to be delivered in a rich and stimulating environment.