

Links about Newis

Tomomi Fujiwara's Book

Book written by Akutagawa Prize winner Tomomi Fujiwara with a section on New International School.
2006年3月17日発売『「知を育てる」ということ』(プレジデント社) 定価1200円(1143円+消費税) 


『子どもたちがストレスなく、積極的かつ意欲的に、学習に取り組める環境』を作り、『自分で考えて行動できる人間』を育てていくことをビジョンとして掲げているNew International School of Japan。


Multiage Education

Multiage Benefit

An excellent Multiage Education website and Multiage Education Resources available on the web.

An Academic Article on Multiage Education

Multiage Instruction: An Outdated Strategy, or a Timeless Best Practice

The Pros and Cons of Multiage Classroom 

In a mixed age classroom, students can move at their own pace and learn from each other.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiage Classrooms in the Era of NCLB Accountability

From the CEEP (Center for Evaluation & Educational Policy) USA

Other educational links

Education in Japan

A resource site for parents who are educating their children in Japan. Homeschoolers, afterschoolers, unschoolers, traditional schoolers.

Katoh Gakuen

Link to Katoh Gakuen, in Shizuoka Prefecture which has an English Immersion Program.