Overview of Recruitment


New International school of Japan is committed to child protection and safeguarding in all of its practices.


New International School of Japan is a dual language school in English and Japanese. Primary and secondary classes all have two teachers, one who teaches in English and one who teaches in Japanese. In addition, there are several specialized teacher positions which may be taught in either or both languages. Experience with the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence would be ideal, but it is not required.

Here you will find the current employment opportunities available at NewIS. If you would like to apply for one of the available posts, please first read the below documents and also pay close attention to the “Person Specification” document for the particular post to ensure that your qualifications, skills, and experiences are relevant. Please be especially cognisant of the essential criteria requirements on the person specification.

The links to the documents, including the Application Form and the Reference Form, are ‘view only’. When completing an application and reference, for best editing results make your own copy and save it to your Google Drive. Please do not request edit access, nor download it as a pdf file. 


下記に、現在募集している職種が掲載されています。応募を希望される場合は、まず応募を検討されている職種の人材要件(Person Specification)をよくお読みいただき、ご自身がお持ちの資格やスキル、経験が適切であるかご確認ください。応募される方は、人材要件に記載されている必須条件を満たしている必要があります。
